The Box System
Bootstrap, Foundation, Skeleton, and even the grand-daddy of all frameworks, 960-grid, use of a 12-column Grid system. 12-column grids make perfect mathematical sense, but they are confining. Shipwright abandons the Grid System in favor of what I call the 'Box' system. No longer do you have to remember a class like 'col-lg-12'. 12 of what? Now, if you understand elementary division, you can enact any column system you want.
Mobile Boxes
With mobile layouts, 12 columns is about 9 too many. That is why Shipwright has all box classes default to single column, and only three other mobile-specific override column classes: .m-half, .m-twothird and .m-third, exist.
The Ever-flexible Nav-Header
Shipwright's header is extremely flexible, mobile-ready, with little to no javascript used. Unlike most frameworks, the header menu needs to be included only once. You don't need to repeat code for a mobile-menu, which makes Shipwright much more SEO-friendly.
Need a header with a center-logo? No longer do you need to insert a logo in the center of a menu. Simply adding the class .center-logo to the page header will automatically reformat the menu with a centered logo, all while keeping the mark-up the same, and the website logo seperate from the menu in code.
The simple addition and removal of that class to #page-head will transform the
Mobile-Responsive Menu
As stated earlier, the code available will very easily make the menu, on mobile, revert to a style with a menu button (using the checkbox hack, no javascript required), and the exact same markup as desktop.